We always lament and cheer on the latest innovations in technology by focusing on all of the cool things we can do that weren’t available to us beforehand, but we don’t always cheer on the advancements in everyday technology that can actually save lives. This could be because the large number of us aren’t constantly facing medical or health perils on a regular basis, or because we have a tendency to shy away from anything that reminds us of our mortality. Nevertheless, scientists and inventors are finding ways to utilize modern, everyday technology to effectively save lives.
The Childhood Eye Cancer Trust (CHECT) has recently begun a poster campaign in the UK to raise awareness about retinoblastoma, a deadly form of eye cancer that targets children. The four posters (which you can see below) have a special reflective ink in the children’s pupils that, when taken using the flash from a camera or cameraphone, while show up white, and it’s this white appearance that can indicate a tumor within the eye. In fact, the four children chosen for the posters are survivors of retinoblastoma.
While simply utilizing a camera’s flash to detect whether or not a child has retinoblastoma may help, visiting an optometrist is always the safest and best route to take when worried about your loved one’s health. CHECT also released a video detailing retinoblastoma and their ad campaign that you can watch below.
[iframe id=”http://www.fastcocreate.com/embed/393352429c2dc?rel=1&src=embed&veggiemode=1″]
[via Co.Create]