[This Week In TV] Parks & Recreation, Agent Carter, Victoria’s Secret Swim Special

This Week in TV is a weekly feature reviewing the best, worst and most interesting episodes of television from the past seven days. The plan is to cover a wide variety of shows, but not always the same ones each week, so let us know in the comments which ones you’d particularly like to read about. This week sees the series finale of Parks & Recreation, Agent Carter reach the end of its…

16th Century-Imagined Superheroes by Photographer Sacha Goldberger

Photos by Sacha Goldberger In the last few decades, we've seen superheroes be transformed and remade continually, but until now, we've never quite seen them like this. Photographer Sacha Goldberger has created a series of 16th Century-looking superheroes at a special art exhibition in Paris titled "Super Flemish". Through a compilation of make up artistry, design, and lighting, each character…

Malice of Alice Photo Series Unites Adoptive Mother with Daughter Through Cosplay

Photos by Kelly Lewis. Cosplay is a wondrous thing. It allows fans to embrace and express their interests in creative ways. Cosplay (or fandom in general) allows people to make new friends at conventions, on online forums, message boards, etc. And, of course, there's the inherent fun in seeing people dressed up in public; for example, take a look at my cosplay photos from Chicago Comics and…

[Interview] Angelo Kritikos: Artist, Photographer, Mermaid Space Alien

Chicago-born, LA-based celebrity/fashion photographer Angelo Kritikos has quickly become one of the hottest freelance photographers in a relatively short period of time. Being named "Top Upcoming Photographer" by W Magazine led Kritikos to shoots with Vampire Diaries' Ian Somerhalder, Pennybirdrabbit, and even Wonder Woman herself (and my current celebrity crush), Gal Gadot. We had the chance to…

Klause Kampert’s Water Erotica Shoot [NSFW]

Photos by Klause Kampert Klause Kampert's work focuses on the human form, particularly women, as evident by the body of work he's created. He captures his subjects in a variety of ways each project being different from the previous one creating a style of his own. These aren't your typical portraits with each one having a specific message, and his latest collection, "Water Creatures," is no…

Leica Announces Mirrorless Interchangeable Lens with New T-System

Photos by Leica Leica sets the bar even higher this week as they announced their mirror-less interchangeable lens in the new T-System with auto focus.  The new Leica T is still as beautiful as older Leica models, but finally incorporates a more innovative and more intuitive image quality that matches all but the best mirror-less cameras now on the market. It's two new lenses feature an amazing…

George Lucas’ Lucas Cultural Arts Museum Might Come to Chicago

Say what you will about Rahm Emanuel's questionable tactics and style of shaping Chicago, but one thing is clear: the man has big plans for Chicago as an arts and entertainment destination. I don't want to get too into politics here, but Emanuel has shown that he's focused on heightening Chicago's scope as a city fully embracing all forms of art very recently. Just last month, he was in Austin,…

Impressive Landscapes Made Entirely Out of Food By Carl Warner

Photos by Carl Warner Playing with food is an understatement when it comes to the work of London-based photographer Carl Warner. As if food photography wasn't popular enough, this man takes it to a whole new level creating deliciously ingenious sets of impressive landscapes made entirely out of food titled "Foodscapes". As a former advertisement photographer, Warner has had his fair share…