Awhile back, there were rumors that surfaced of Sony working on the Sony RX100M3 after a manual of the camera was leaked. That rumor ended up have some truth to it, and now we get some more rumors involving the RX100M3. According to Sony Alpha Rumors, someone at a Sony store in Canada leaked photos, specs, and the price of the anticipated RX100M3, claiming that it would be released sometime this week; however, they have since been taken down from the site. Some of the specs that were leaked stated that the new Sony camera would come equipped with a 20-7mm f/1.8-2.8 lens with a 0.39-inch 1.44M dot pop up OLED electronic viewfinder, a Bionz X processor, and more for about $900. We’ll see what’ll happen with the announcement and whether or not Sony provides any official news regarding the M3. Until then check out some of the images here.
[Via SAR]