[Interview] AEMMP Hip Hop Artist of The Week: Saba


"At end of the day, the product will speak for itself, don't let me bore you with all of this reading and these pictures of my beautiful face. Just listen haha."

Chicago is ripe right now with multifaceted and disciplined crews. These crews are not just made up of rappers and producers, but also poets, writers, videographers, photographers, fashion kids, plus anything and everything in between.  These crews become a home base for creativity, as well as a megaphone for the individual members.  One such crew that has been gaining steam since the summer is the PIVOT Gang, fueled in good part by Saba, the talented emcee and producer.  It turns out that Saba is also a Columbia College student, and is this week's featured AEMMP Hip Hop Artist of the Week.

Head over to the next page to get to know a little bit about the PIVOT front-man currently balancing music and school.  If you are a Columbia College student and a musician, submit your music to submit.aemmp.org to be the next AEMMP Hip Hop Artist of The Week.