Mitch Hurwitz wants to do an Arrested Development film before a new season

I'm going to be blunt for a moment: The Netflix-exclusive fourth season of Arrested Development wasn't that great. While a part of the reason could be because of the elongated time span between it and its third season, the main cause was Mitch Hurwitz' experimental approach to the season. By shooting various characters' perspectives over the course of a few days, the format didn't allow much space to allow true character growth to happen. However, despite its failures, the show still found an audience, both pre-existing fans and newcomers to the show. So much so, in fact, that Netflix is open to renewing the show for another season.

Old-time Arrested Development fans, however, know that Hurwitz has been discussing a film based on the Bluth family for the past decade. While the jump in media would bring further changes, fans have been very receptive of the idea. Simply put, the more Arrested Development, the better. In an interview with Rolling Stone, Hurwitz re-confirms his plans for an AD film, stating:

"I'm working on the movie right now. I can't get into much more detail because I don't want to scare anybody off. I don't want to be presumptuous about it. I don't own the property outright it's a 20th Century Fox property. But everybody seems really into it and really eager to make a movie."

If an AD film is actually greenlit, it'll precede any potential fifth season. With the way season four ended, anything extra coming from Hurwitz and the cast would be well-received.

[via Rolling Stone]

[Video] Dean Norris spoils Breaking Bad's ending... kind of

Breaking Bad is, hands down, one of the most consistently amazing TV shows I have ever spent time with. If any of you have watched an episode, or at least overheard discussion about Walt's (Bryan Cranston) story, then you know how engrossing the series can be. With the series' end only weeks away and the tension building with every passing episode, excitement is high for fans to see how show creator Vince Gilligan will end the story.

Annoyed by fans bugging him about how Breaking Bad will end, Dean Norris shared some insight on the final episode, the aptly titled "Hank Wins." Norris' character, Hank, proves to be victorious over Walt, then faces a series of fortunate circumstances that I won't spoil for you outside of this amazing text he receives from his wife, Marie: "U CAN SEX NE1 U WANT U DA KING! ALSO U R WALT JRS DAD NOW 4 REALZ"

Breaking Bad at its finest, ladies and gentlemen.

Dean Norris Spoils Breaking Bad from Dean Norris

[via Funny or Die]

[Short Film] STAR WARS FILIBUSTER: Patton Oswalt's Rant Animated


Back in April when word came out that George Lucas had sold the Star Wars franchise to Disney, everybody with even a passing interest in films had a reaction to the announcement. Comedian/actor Patton Oswalt (Young Adult) made waves when he was shot delivering a "Star Wars filibuster" during taping of an episode of Parks and Recreation where he went on a large rant about his ideas for the upcoming seventh film in the franchise.

In an exclusive video for Nerdist, animator Daniel Spellman created a short animation of Oswalt's rant, which mixed Star Wars mythos with the Marvel Film Universe (another Disney-owned property), robots, a severed Chewbacca head, and even Greek gods from Clash of the Titans. While Oswalt's rant stands on its own, this animation certainly adds an extra layer to the concept and sticks out when compared to other similar animated shorts.

[via Nerdist]


[Trailer] Breaking Bad Countdown Mashup

All bad things must come to an end. Unfortunately, that means one of the best TV series ever is set to conclude this year. AMC's Breaking Bad, arguably the most captivating TV series to have debuted in the past five years, will air its final eight episodes starting August 11th. To prepare for the final batch (get it?) of episodes, AMC debuted a countdown trailer that showcases some of the most important and memorable moments from the series' already legendary run.

The office has been re-watching Season 5 to prepare ourselves for the final few episodes, and I have to say, Walter White has to be one of the greatest TV characters to ever be created. If you haven't begun watching Breaking Bad or you haven't begun your marathon recap session leading up to the final season, this video will bring you back up to speed. Long live the king.

[Trailer] The Walking Dead Season 4

The Walking Dead will be entering its fourth season this October, but the cast and crew revealed the first trailer for the upcoming season this past weekend at San Diego Comic Con. Everything's shaping up towards heightened stakes in the next season. With the ongoing comic series past 112 issues, it'll be interesting to see how the show continues to deviate from the story... or close in on similar situations. One thing's for sure: The Walking Dead's popularity won't cease for a long time coming.

Game of Thrones author George R.R. Martin reveals his Iron Throne

I have to admit something: I haven't watched a single episode of Game of Thrones. Of course, it's not some sort of anti-popularity thing where I naively shun anything "hip" or "cool" with the masses, it's because I don't have HBO and couldn't afford the blu-ray box set at the time Season 1 came out. That's neither here nor there; what is is how massively popular Game of Thrones has become.

Because of this, the Iron Throne has come to be an iconic representation of the show. In fact, whenever Game of Thrones is mentioned, the image of the throne automatically enters my head. For those who may not have seen it, the show's Iron Throne looks like this:



Pretty intimidating, isn't it? Game of Thrones author George R.R. Martin loves it, but with a caveat. He explains:

"The HBO throne has become iconic. And well it might. It's a terrific design, and it has served the show very well...everyone knows it. I love it. I have all those replicas right here, sitting on my shelves.And yet, and yet... it's still not right. It's not the Iron Throne I see when I'm working on (the forthcoming sixth Game of Thrones novel) The Winds of Winter. It's not the Iron Throne I want my readers to see. The way the throne is described in the books... HUGE, hulking, black and twisted, with the steep iron stairs in front, the high seat from which the king looks DOWN on everyone in the court... my throne is a hunched beast looming over the throne room, ugly and asymmetric...

The HBO throne is none of those things."

What then, would his version of the Iron Throne look like? French artist Marc Simonetti painted Martin's true vision of the throne, which you can see in full below. While the overall theme of a throne made out of swords is kept in tact (and rightfully so), the Simonetti throne is a lot more rough, intimidating, ugly, and raw when compared to the HBO Iron Throne. Again, this makes sense, considering production and marketing costs - would you rather have the HBO Iron Throne replica on your book shelf, perfectly shaped and proper, or the Simonetti replica, asymmetrical and ugly?

[via IGN]Read more

[Trailer] Arrested Development Season 4

Arrested Development  is one of my absolute favorite TV series. With its relentless stream of inside-jokes, witticisms, and cast whose talents are constantly matched AND one-upped with every scene, news of the show's unfair cancellation in 2006 was met with both anger and understanding. The combination of Fox's mishandling of the show by continuously shifting its time slot and the show's inherent necessity to watch each episode in order to understand the jokes and gags proved to be its downfall.

However, after a seven year wait, the series is set to return, this time exclusively airing on Netflix. The upcoming "Season 4" will go live on May 26th with each of the season's 15 episodes becoming available simultaneously. To whet fans' appetites, a teaser trailer was released late last night showcasing the same type of humor and wit that garnered the show's various awards and accolades.

If you haven't yet watched the show, I urge you to set aside some time and go through a marathon run of the show's 53 episodes on Netflix in preparation.