This track came as a bit of a surprise. Ashanti Floyd delivered an impressive Jimi Hendrix tribute with “Kiss the Sky” and replicating the same magnitude of sound must have been difficult. Listening to the intro, I wasn’t sure where the track was going but once it got there (wherever it was) I didn’t want to leave. If you told me that a violin was going to be paired with a hip hop jam, I would have said “Sure…but only as a sample.” Instead, the violin is the focus of the track. This is a kind of music that pushes the envelope and does so much more forcefully than a track that would be labeled as “alright” or “just okay”.  This material is incredible. Ashanti Floyd (the violinist) draws listeners in with a beautiful violin reminiscent of Boyd Tinsley (of the Dave Matthews Band) that creates an emotional sound that is easy to get lost in, especially when all the instrumentation is layered so well. The Addiction comes out this November.

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