Photo by Dennis Morris

At the very young age of 16 years old, photographer, Dennis Morris, met Jamaican reggae king Bob Marley, in 1974 at a Speakeasy club in London. The two immediately formed a strong friendship, one that would later lead to shooting some of the most popular photos of Marley today. In a short documentary, titled “Bob Marley: Giant”, Morris recollects their relationship by sharing the life of Bob Marley through his own eyes and camera lens. 

The short documentary also features interviews, voiceovers and photos (both personal and exhibited). He also humbly speaks on his opinion on the various bootlegged use of many of the shots he’s taken of Marley, one being the infamous shot of him holding a “spliff” while blowing smoke. Not many people actually know that this was taken as he was teaching the photographer how to properly smoke a joint.

While watching the short documentary, it’s immediately apparent that Morris understood Marley in a very unique way, while very few photographers understand their subjects like such. Here are some of the infamous photos of Bob Marley shot by Dennis Morris, and below is the 18-minute documentary. Marley fan or not, the experiences these two shared are extraordinary and it’s definitely worth a watch.

[youtube id=”mpR06HoVIdc”]

[Via PetaPixel]